Naturally Green Products Smoke & Odor Eliminator is a “green” formulated product that removes tough odors from a wide array of porous and non-porous materials. Our Smoke & Odor Eliminator eliminates pet odors, stubborn food odors, and even tobacco smoke. Naturally Green Products Smoke & Odor Eliminator can be used on bedding, carpet, couches, drapery, mattresses, floors, restrooms, pet beds, vehicle interiors, among others. This product is ready to use (RTU).
JTA Performer Urine Odor Gone!
Wipe away any excess stain-causing material, then soak
the surface thoroughly with Performer URINE ODOR GONE! Wait 5 minutes, then wipe away stain with a cloth. For tough stains, use a stiff, bristle brush. If the stain is not completely removed, re-soak area and
allow to work for 1 hour before wiping with a cloth.
Thoroughly soak the entire area with Performer URINE ODOR GONE!. For carpets, apply enough to reach the urine penetration in the pad and floor. This may mean lifting the carpet and applying directly to the pad and floor.
Allow the product to air dry. Depending on air circulation, carpets and upholstery may take up to 1 week to dry completely. If after 1 week there is still an odor, Performer URINE ODOR GONE! has not reached ALL of the odor-causing material. Pinpoint odor source and repeat cleaning process.
Saturate areas of fabric affected by stain and odor with full-strength Performer URINE ODOR GONE! then wash as usual.NFPA ratings
Health ..........0
Fire .............. 2
Reactivity..... 0HMIS ratings
Health ..........0
Fire .............. 2
Reactivity..... 0